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A member registered Aug 07, 2021

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Apologies for the late response, haven't been on in a few days 馃槄

Yes most of the issues I was referring to was because of the teleport tile that was in the beginning of the alley preventing me from getting the voiceprint for the gate. I didn't realize at first that I could just walk around it, and I thought the teleportation aspect was an intended feature, but looking back it makes sense that was actually NOT intended and just a tile left in from testing. So yeah with that teleportation gone there should be nothing stopping the player from accessing the entire district 1 anymore. Glad I could help get that found out!

Well I found a way to get the voice recording. By hugging the bottom wall, you can avoid the teleportation to the second area and get back to the hyena you need to get the recording from. Didn't check to see if the teleporting tiles extended along the whole passageway, whoops 馃槄

So I stumbled across a way to softlock the game in stealth mode of Entertainment District I.

If you don't do the voiceprint step with the recorder early enough, and you encounter all the enemies both before the gate with the voiceprint and the point at the anklet piece gathering area, and you're still naked, you'll softlock the game as you can't progress through District I without your clothes, and from what I could tell you couldn't get to the area past the gate even from the back because he prompts you to get your clothes first at that area as well, which is where the clothes are. If you try to go back and get the voiceprint from the hyena like normal you'll hit the area that teleports you to the second half of the district again, so you have no way to enter from the front gate nor the back staircase. I believe even if you could get back through the staircase you wouldn't be able to get past the fire escape staircase cause you haven't placed the rope their yet either. You can't trigger the bad end either, as you run out of enemies before you hit the required amount of captures for it.

Apologies for the long winded explanation, just a rather odd softlock that I found trying to quickly get to the bad end in District I.